About Me

I'm a mom and wife transplanted to the Pacific Northwest from Colorado. Married for 24 years, and a mom of 18 year old twins. In my younger years, I attended college and worked as a laboratory technician in trauma medicine and then in toxicology. Once I got married and had children, I looked for a different, more family friendly career path and pursued a degree in special education. It was during this time that we moved to New Zealand for my husband's work. While there, I picked up the camera and began photo journaling our tramping about the country and the Maori culture, sending home weekly write ups and images to family, friends, and my kids' school. Once we returned stateside in 2014, I began photographing my daughter and her baton competitions. I continue to shoot her competitions and have added historical buildings and landscapes to my resume as well. I love being behind the lens, and feel grateful for the experience of endless beauty that New Zealand offered and for the awakening of this passion I now call my career.